Attention Mamas: Brand New Labor Tool Kit Now On The App!

Baby2Body Labor Toolkit

We have loved working with Tammy Mittell, one of our incredible experts, yoga teacher, and hypnobirthing instructor, to create lots of amazing new content. We're even happier to let you know it is all now available on the app! 

We know that you’re going to love Tammy as much as we do. Tammy has 15+ years of experience teaching yoga, including specialisms in pregnancy yoga, postnatal yoga, and womb wellbeing yoga. Brand new prenatal yoga flows led by Tammy are now available on the app, and we’ve put a little sneak peek together here.

Today, we want to talk to you about Tammy’s exclusive Labor Tool Kit, which you can find in the app during your 3rd Trimester. The Labor Tool Kit will guide you through some tools and techniques that can be used during the 3rd trimester and into labor.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the tools and techniques Tammy shares in the Labor Tool Kit:

1. Using wall supports 

To start, Tammy will help you understand the benefits of using wall supports and standing movements during labor. She’ll also guide you through some natal hypnobirthing techniques including ‘Shaking the Apples’, a tool that can be used during labor to activate the stretch sensors of the muscles, release tension, and promote relaxation. 

As well as all that, Tammy will talk you through breathing techniques and stretching that you can use to promote comfort during labor. 

2. Using a birthing ball 

You might already have a birthing ball if you are entering the later stages of pregnancy, but Tammy will help you understand exactly how to use your birthing ball as you get closer to giving birth. The Tool Kit will guide you through movements that can engage baby and relax mama, including the Upward Forward Open position, a birthing ball movement that helps to open the pelvic diaphragm and encourage baby to descend.

3. Using an all-fours position & vocalizations 

As you move through the Tool Kit, Tammy will walk you through how to use an all-fours position to help encourage the baby to move into the Optimal Fetal Position. If your baby is in the Optimal Fetal Position, it means they are head down, facing your back, with their head toward the front of your stomach. Your baby can be encouraged into this position from around 34 weeks.

Tammy also encourages vocalizations as a way to manage pain or sensation and train your focus during labor. 

4. Using visualizations 

Tuning in to your body and visualizing what is happening during a contraction can help encourage focus and give you a ‘mission’. Tammy talks you through exactly how this works during labor.

5. Using focal points 

Tammy discusses her own labor experience and how using outer focal points - such as pictures, affirmations, or colors - helped her manage her contractions. She also guides you through inner focal points such as the Golden Thread Breath technique. 

Alongside this Labor Tool Kit, we have a brand new hypnobirthing meditation, titled Mind-Body-Baby, led by Tammy. This can be found on the app during your 3rd trimester. If you want to know more about Hypnobirthing, check out What Is Hypnobirthing & Can It Really Reduce Labor Pains?.

We can't wait for you to join Tammy on the Baby2Body app. If you have any questions for Tammy (or the Baby2Body team), please send us an email at [email protected] leave them in the comments below!

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