Media Usage Terms & Conditions.


We may use, display, reproduce, distribute, transmit, combine with other materials, alter and/or edit the User Generated Content for legal and/or regulatory reasons in any way it sees fit while upholding the original view where possible, with no obligation to you whatsoever.

You accept that we may use your User Generated Content in any media form associated with Baby2Body Limited, (including using it to publicize Baby2Body and related online and offline projects and related publicity). You accept that your User Generated Content may be used on Social Media, the Baby2Body website and any other platform/website that Baby2Body may decide at its discretion is in connection.

You confirm and agree that:

(i): you own all the rights in the User Generated Content and/or that you have permission from any person(s) appearing in the User Generated Content to grant the rights herein;

(ii) you and all other person(s) appearing in the User Generated Content are over the age of 18 and able to give consent; and if any other person(s) appearing in the User Generated Content are under the age of 18 you are able to give consent on their behalf as their legal guardian;

(iii) Baby2Body Limited’s use of your User Generated Content will not break any law or violate the rights of a third party. Baby2Body Limited has the right to disclose your identity to any third party who claims that the User Generated Content infringes their rights.

You warrant that your User Generated Content is accurate and does not include misleading information or exaggerate any effects of the Baby2Body platform.

You acknowledge and agree that the User Generated Content could be subject to “viral” communication on third-party websites and that Baby2Body Limited will not be liable for any claim or action in this regard. 

You consent to Baby2Body’s collection of any personal information you provide, and Baby2Body’s use and disclosure of personal information in connection with the use of your User Generated Content as described above. Your personal information may be transferred and may be shared with affiliates or other trusted third parties working on Baby2Body’s behalf. By posting User Generated Content with any Hashtag(s) defined below or otherwise providing Baby2Body with personal information, you agree to such collection, use, disclosure, transfer, and processing of your information in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, Baby2Body’s Privacy Policy, and applicable data protection laws and regulations.

You will not hold Baby2Body, or any person acting on Baby2Body's behalf, responsible for any claims or demands in connection with the use of your User Generated Content. You accept that Baby2Body will not pay you for the use of your User Generated Content and/or for any intellectual property rights connected with them. You accept that Baby2Body may refuse to use or remove your User Generated Content for any reason.

If you change your mind about sharing your User Generated Content, or you do not want Baby2Body to contact you about User Generated Content again, please let us know by contacting [email protected]. Baby2Body reserves the right to alter these Terms and Conditions without any notice or warning.