Website and App and AI Wellness Coach Privacy Policy

Updated on 8/15/2023

This privacy policy tells you about the information we collect from you when you use our website and app. In collecting this information, we are acting as a data controller and, by law, we are required to provide you with information about us, about why and how we use your data, and about the rights you have over your data.

Who are we?

We are Baby2Body Limited. Our address is 9th Floor 107 Cheapside, London EC2V 6DN United Kingdom. You can contact us by post at the above address, by email at [email protected].

We are not required to have a data protection officer, so any inquiries about our use of your personal data should be addressed to the contact details above.

How we use your information.


When you use our website

When you use our website to browse our products and services and view the information we make available, a number of cookies are used by us and by third parties to allow the website to function, to collect useful information about visitors, and to help to make your user experience better.

Some of the cookies we use are strictly necessary for our website to function, and we don’t ask for your consent to place these on your computer. These cookies are shown below.

Cookie Name - Purpose

Token Name - Token authentication credentials
Username - Username for remember me
Remember - Password for remember me
Remember - Boolean to remember credentials or not

However, for those cookies that are useful but not strictly necessary, we will always ask for your consent before placing them. These are:

Cookie Name Purpose Further Information

As well as the cookies we use, various third parties also place them on your computer, again with your consent. These are shown below.

Cookie Name Purpose Further Information

For more information about our use of cookies, please see our cookie policy.

When you submit an inquiry to our website

When you send an inquiry to our website, we ask you for your name, contact telephone number, and email address.

We use this information to respond to your query, including providing you with any requested information about our products and services. We may also email you several times after your inquiry in order to follow up on your interest and ensure that we have answered it to your satisfaction. We will do this based on our legitimate interest in providing accurate information prior to a sale.

Your inquiry is stored and processed it is only seen by Baby2Body team members operating in the United Kingdom in order to help you. Your data is not shared with any third party.

We do not use the information you provide to make any automated decisions that might affect you.

We keep inquiry emails for five years, after which they are securely archived and kept for seven years, when we delete them. CRM records are kept for five years after the last contact with you.

When you purchase a product from our website

When you purchase products from us online, we ask you for your name, address, contact telephone number, email address and credit card information. We also record your IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is the address of your computer on the Internet.

We will use your information to verify your credit card details for your purchase, process your order and to send you your products. We will also send you a receipt via email and we may use your telephone number to contact you regarding your purchase.

We require this information in order to process your payment, deliver your products or services and fulfil our contract with you. We record your IP address in order to show that the correct tax was applied to the sale, which we are required to do by law.

Your information is stored on our website and on our cloud server, both of which are based within the European Union. Your credit card details are passed to a third-party payment processor which is based in the USA and is certified to the EU-US Privacy Shield (which requires effective safeguards for your information). We do not retain your credit card information.

We keep your order information for an indefinite period, as the licenses we sell for our products do not expire.

App and website sign up

When you sign up to our app and website we ask for information such as:

Your baby’s due/ birth date, the city you live in, age, whether you are having twins, how often you exercise, whether this is your first or second baby, name and email address. We use this data to tailor our content to the stage of your pregnancy and personal preferences.

The lawful basis for collecting this data is based on consent. The personal data only shared with trusted third parties who have committed to the same standards of data protection as Baby2Body. These third parties consist of software that Baby2Body uses to understand its customer base better in order to improve its service and also market more effectively. The data is stored on Baby2Body secure AWS servers based in the EU. No automated decisions are based on this data. Our retention policy is to store data for five years before deleting it.

Your rights as a data subject

By law, you can ask us what information we hold about you, and you can ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate. If we have asked for your consent to process your personal data, you may withdraw that consent at any time.

If we are processing your personal data for reasons of consent or to fulfil a contract, you can ask us to give you a copy of the information in a machine-readable format so that you can transfer it to another provider.

If we are processing your personal data for reasons of consent or legitimate interest, you can request that your data be erased.

You have the right to ask us to stop using your information for a period of time if you believe we are not doing so lawfully.

Finally, in some circumstances you can ask us not to reach decisions affecting you using automated processing or profiling.

To submit a request regarding your personal data by email, post or telephone, please use the contact information provided above in the Who Are We section of this policy.

You may request data deletion at any time through the Baby2Body application. To do so, navigate to your profile > Help & Support > Privacy > Delete your account. You must enter your password to delete your account. Once you have done this you will not be able to recover a deleted account and all your data will be removed.

Your right to complain

If you have a complaint about our use of your information, we would prefer you to contact us directly in the first instance so that we can address your complaint. However, you can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office via their website at or write to them at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Wilmslow Cheshire

Bella “AI Wellness Coach” privacy policy

By choosing to use Bella (sometimes referred to as an “AI wellness coach”) on the app or website and submitting content, personal information, or other information to Bella, you confirm that you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

The content, responses, and outcomes presented by Bella are intended solely for general informational purposes and should not be construed as medical or any other form of professional advice, treatment, or diagnosis. It is imperative to consult a qualified healthcare professional for any inquiries related to medical conditions. Do not ignore professional medical advice or postpone seeking it based on information from Bella. Bella does not assert any warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy, comprehensiveness, or dependability of the information it provides.

To offer you information, responses, and outcomes, Bella employs a Large Language Model (LLM)  and other artificial intelligence services developed by OpenAI, L.L.C. (“OpenAI”) alongside the Baby2Body knowledge base and our proprietary algorithm. These systems are continually advancing, and due to the inherent nature of LLMs, there might be instances where the results are inaccurate, incomplete, or do not precisely reflect real-world details. It's a good idea to assess the accuracy of the outputs as they pertain to your specific use case, and you can even consider involving human review when necessary. Remember, even in cases where inaccuracies are absent, the information Bella provides is rooted in general pregnancy knowledge and the Baby2Body knowledge base and may not be able to consider your entire individual circumstances, health history, or other pertinent factors. That's why we highly recommend consulting a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health, your child’s health, or anyone else’s well-being based on the information generated by Bella.

It's important to note that any information you share, including messages, content, and personal details, through Bella, or that Bella collects, will be securely transmitted to our service partner, OpenAI, responsible for our chat and artificial intelligence services. This transmission is essential for us to deliver our Services effectively to you. Bella might store, share, transmit, process, and utilize this information, including your messages, to facilitate our Services, as outlined in our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. OpenAI may also process, transmit, and use such information, including communications, as part of delivering our Services to you. Your privacy and data security is of utmost importance to us, and we will remain committed to that in all future developments.

Updates to this privacy policy

We regularly review and, if appropriate, update this privacy policy from time to time, and as our services and use of personal data evolves. If we want to make use of your personal data in a way that we haven’t previously identified, we will contact you to provide information about this and, if necessary, to ask for your consent.

We will update the date of this document each time it is changed.