Attention New Mamas: Building Your Self-Care Tool Kit Is Now On The App!

We have absolutely loved working with Lou Murray, one of our incredible experts and an Integrated Health & Mindfulness Coach, to create a brand new postpartum program on building your own Self-Care Tool Kit. We're even happier to let you know it's now available on the app!

You're going to love Lou as much as we do. As a mother of four and currently going through newborn life herself, she knows exactly where you're at and is here to walk beside you. Her Self-Care Tool Kit guides you through poignant lessons on tending to your own wellbeing, and arms with you practical tools and quick meditations to help you make self-care part of your healthcare.

You can find the Self-Care Tool Kit in the app during your "4th trimester" (the first 3 months after birth that are so critical to your health and wellness). This is a time when your own wellbeing is put under added stress due to adjusting to life with a newborn, physically recovering from the toll labor takes on your body, going through sleepless nights, experiencing significant hormone fluctuations, and settling into a new normal. Self-care at this time isn't about indulging or pampering, it's about meeting your immediate needs and nourishing yourself with simple acts of self-love and acceptance (which is what self-care is about at any time). As Lou says, self-care isn't selfish, it's self-love.

Over the 12 weeks of the program, Lou will help you build on concepts starting with the basics of tending to your physical needs, then move into supporting your mental health, and finally focus in on your emotional and spiritual wellbeing, leaving you with so many powerful tools you can take forward as a new mother. Each week you'll get a video lesson on a new topic, accompanied by a collection of "micro-zen" exercises: quick, audio-guided activities to help you practice the self-care habits discussed that week. Here's a sneak peek at the topics for the first four weeks!

Self-Care Tool Kit Session 1: Setting Boundaries

Your first week with Lou is all about setting simple boundaries to better help you protect yourself, your needs, and your health. This is the foundation of self-care and what you can build everything else off of. The micro-zen exercises include a Boundary Setting Practice, Learning How To Say No, and an activity called A Bridge Of Shared Intention.

Self-Care Tool Kit Session 2: Navigating Fatigue

If there's one thing all new mamas have in common, it's probably fatigue. This session focuses on helping you clean up your nightly rest with 8 sleep hygiene tips. While you can't necessarily get more sleep as a new mother, you can make the most of the sleep you can get. Your accompanying micro-zen is a series of powerful Bedtime Affirmations.

Self-Care Tool Kit Session 3: Identifying Energy & Mood Hoovers

Your third week addresses fatigue from a different angle; teaching you how to create more energy in your life by recognizing what drains you and depletes your moods, and then learning how to healthily remove it from your life. Your micro-zen activities will be a session on Learning To Let Go and a breathwork favorite: The 4-7-8 Breath.

Self-Care Tool Kit Session 4: Quieting Your Mind

Motherhood is somehow always noisy. In a good way, most of the time, but sometimes you just need to quiet things down. In this session, Lou introduces one of her absolute favorite self-care activities that's her go-to as a mother, too. One of your micro-zen activities this week is a Box Breathing routine, and we won't share the last one so as not to spoil the surprise! You'll have to head to the app to check it out.

We can't wait for you to join Lou in building your Self-Care Tool Kit on the Baby2Body app. If you have any questions for Lou (or the Baby2Body team) on the program, please send us an email at [email protected] leave them in the comments below!

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