Always On The Go? Here’s How To Stay On Track Of Your Goals

Finding yourself struggling to find time… for anything? It’s time to revisit our motto at the start of the year ‘2022 is all about you’ and that means finding the time to prioritize what’s important!

Throughout August, we’ll be sharing our top tips and resources to help you find the time to prioritize your fitness, mental wellbeing, and nutritional health without even thinking about it, and stay on track to achieving your goals. 

Over on the Baby2Body app, we’ll be sharing a quick On The Go plan each week with three quick activities: one for your mental health and wellbeing, one for your physical health, and one for your nutritional health - all of them will take less than 5 minutes, so you can do them anytime, anywhere.  

Today, we’re sharing our top tips for staying fit & healthy when you’re always on the go… 

  1. For your nutritional health: Meal prep & batch cooking 

    Finding time to cook healthy meals can be a daunting task – especially when you're exhausted, pregnant, and have cranky little ones running around. We know how it goes. But the more healthy eating habits you can build into your daily lifestyle, the easier it will be to eat well for pregnancy and for the future. The way to start? ​​Batch cook your food! 

    Batch cooking allows you to prep healthier meals ahead of time, making it that much easier to eat well over time, even when you’re tired and busy. Start small by doubling up portions when you cook dinner and freezing half for a busy night in the future.

    If you’re pregnant, then during the last couple of months of your try batch cooking some meals and stocking up your freezer. You’re going to be so tired and have your hands full. Having easy meals that you can defrost and eat will make a huge difference. 

    A word of advice from our resident nutritionist Emma Hanton: “Give yourself some grace. As women, we’re all way too hard on ourselves when it comes to diet. It’s not about perfection all the time: it’s about the overall picture. Nobody has a “perfect” day of eating – not even nutritionists… You’ve got to enjoy your life, and obsessing over food won’t make you happy and healthy. If you want dessert, eat dessert. If you want to have ice cream with your kids, have it! I think it’s all about balance. Food is fuel, but it’s also meant to be fun!” 

    Emma has all of the tips and advice you need in How to Eat Healthier As A Busy Mama, According to a Nutritionist & you can find her guidance, meal plans, and recipes in the Baby2Body app – all perfect for batch cooking!

  2. For your physical health: Small steps to achieve your goals

    This one can be a little more daunting because finding time to workout or go to the gym can seem like a big task. The good news is, moving your body for just a few minutes contributes to achieving your goals! In the Baby2Body app we have a section in the Fitness Studio dedicated to workouts which are 10 minutes or less to get you started!

    Don’t have 10 minutes? Check your weekly On The Go plan to find an audio guided stretch or exercise which will take just 4-5 minutes. It will get your body moving, stretch those muscles, and help you connect mind & body. Once you start doing a few minutes a day, it’s easier to build in the time for a 10 minute workout.

  3. For your mental health & wellbeing: Just 3 minutes a day

    Yes, you really can improve your mental wellbeing with just 3 minutes a day — or even less. Deciding what works for you and your mental health is personal — you might find that you enjoy mediation or you might prefer a daily breathing exercise — and even just 3 minutes or either can help you center yourself and take a moment to yourself.

    In the Baby2Body app, we have a variety of daily breathing exercises, from gratitude breathing to energizing breathing — and you can do them all for 1,2, or 3 minutes. In this week’s On The Go plan we’re sharing a 2 minute happiness hack to get your wellness plan started.

How do you find time for your routine? What’s your biggest struggle? Let us know in the comments!


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